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Your privacy and protection are important to us. We work in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and information provided by clients is only used for the purposes of processing the booking. Sensitive information is stored electronically within our database and kept private and confidential. It is only shared with third parties where this data is necessary for providing agreed services (ie hotel rooming lists or for border permit applications etc). If any documents containing personal data are printed for internal purposes, they are kept in a filing system in our office that is only accessible by our own employees. If documents are no longer applicable, they are shredded before disposal.


  • Any personal data is only collected if relevant and necessary for us to provide the services sold.

  • All personal data is destroyed or removed from our system after completion of the agreed services or at latest maximum 1 year after provision of the data.


For full information on the regulation click REGULATION (EU) 2016/679. Please ask us if you have any concerns or questions about how your personal data is used or stored.



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